Learner Success Story
Steven Livingstone
Employer: MAP Group UK
Position: Telecommunications Engineer
Prior to starting at DTN Academy:
Steven went to University and was studying Computer Animation due to a keen subject interest. Unfortunately, Steven left university in September 2019 as a result of failing his final examinations which left him unsure of what his next steps would be and low in confidence. In October 2019, a friend recommended the Structured Cabling Network Engineer Training course and mentioned the fact that there is a guaranteed interview at the end of the course. Steven knew that he was much better practically and hoped that this course would differ massively from university.
During our Course:
By his own admission, Steven struggled initially on the course at DTN Academy and wasn’t particularly enjoying it during the first week, coming close to leaving at one point. However, Steven stuck with it and in week two of the course, he started to love it and really enjoy it. As you can see from Steven’s tutor’s comment on his Mid Review, Steven was starting to come out of his shell and was submitting some great work, whilst demonstrating excellent punctuality.
Tutor Comment:
“Steven, it’s been great to see you become more confident in the first couple of weeks and your work has been really good. With a little support, you have handed in your work on time and you have always been on time. Well done.”
- Mick H
Steven’s confidence was growing, and he loved the practical sessions!
Upon Completion of our Course and Beyond:
Having achieved all the qualifications that were on offer at DTN Academy, Steven attended an interview with one of the company directors at MAP Group UK, on the last day of the course.
Four days later, Steven received a phone call from MAP Group UK and was offered a full-time job, to start in December 2019.
In early December, Steven attended additional training at DTN Academy, led by MAP Group UK assessors, and completed qualifications such as EUSR Training and NRSWA Unit 2. Soon, Steven will be working around the country as a Telecommunications Engineer and he is really excited about this.
A message from Steven:
“I’d like to thank DTN Academy for supporting me in securing full-time employment and providing me with the opportunity to get into the Telecommunications Industry. My knowledge and confidence have grown massively, and I have a lot to be thankful for. I found everyone at DTN Academy friendly and supportive – I’d like to thank everyone for their time.
- Steven Livingstone, December 2019
A message from DTN Academy:
Watching Steven grow in confidence over the last couple of months has been fantastic and we all feel very proud of what he has accomplished. Well done for all your hard work Steven and we wish you the best of luck and continued success in your new career in the Telecommunications Industry!
- Team DTN, December 2019.
Case Study created by Liam Collins – DTN Academy – December 2019